The cards on this site were created by clicking the Output Player Cards button in Baseball Mogul 2017.
To make your own cards, for free, using real-world MLB stats:
1) Install Baseball Mogul SSV.
2) Run Baseball Mogul and click "Resume Saved Game".
To make your own cards, for free, using real-world MLB stats:
1) Install Baseball Mogul SSV.
2) Run Baseball Mogul and click "Resume Saved Game".
Historical Seasons
Printing out seasons before 2017 are a bit trickier for the following reason. The tool uses last season stats to calculate the card chances but the team rosters are always updated for the current season. For example if you start a game with the 1927 Yankees, the most recent stats loaded into the game are for the 1926 season. Thank God there's an easy fix.
1) Start a game in the season you want to print players for (e.g. the 1927 Yankees)
2) Run Advanced Tools and click Export Roster File.
3) Move the roster file from the Output folder to the Input folder.
4) Start game in the season after you want to print players for (e.g. 1928).
5) Run Advanced Tools and click Import Roster File. This will update the rosters to match the correct rosters from 1927.
6) Run Advanced Tools from the Tools Menu.
7) Click the Output Player Cards button.
1) Start a game in the season you want to print players for (e.g. the 1927 Yankees)
2) Run Advanced Tools and click Export Roster File.
3) Move the roster file from the Output folder to the Input folder.
4) Start game in the season after you want to print players for (e.g. 1928).
5) Run Advanced Tools and click Import Roster File. This will update the rosters to match the correct rosters from 1927.
6) Run Advanced Tools from the Tools Menu.
7) Click the Output Player Cards button.
Editing Players
You can create your own players by using the "Edit Player" button in each player's Scouting Report.
- Player cards are calculated from each player's "LAST SEASON" stats.
- Edit these stats before outputting player cards.